Why tell the truth in sales (or per se!)?

Some thoughts about ethics in business

      You don't like it when someone lies to you, do you?

     It's a whole lot easier to remember the truth!!     

     Con men lie.

     When you set the customer's expectations properly you never need to say, "I'm sorry."

     If you tell the truth you'll never have to woob-woob about what you can't deliver because it never existed in the product in the first place.

     Make sure you are explicit and very clear when you talk about futures...explain that you can't deliver them now, make sure the customer understands that.

      If you do something really, really stupid...admit it, apologize, and get on with it.

     You can ALWAYS face the customer, even if you screw up, as long as you're truthful.

     There is NO WAY you can un-do the word of mouth that will precede you if you lie to just one customer!

     Don't forget that great cosmic law:

"What goes around, comes around!"